5+ ways jmc encourages student success

February 28, 2022

There is no one-size-fits-all way to ensure students are successful, so jmc offers a variety of solutions to ensure every student, family, and teacher has the tools they need to help students succeed. Here are just a few of the many ways you can encourage student success with jmc.

1. Empower students with Student Portal

When it comes to encouraging student success, empowering students to manage their academic life can be the most important step. With Student Portal, students can stay informed in real-time on attendance, missing assignments, and more, which means they can take the initiative in resolving potential issues before they affect their progress.

2. Reward students with GATE

You’ve taught your students that hard work can open doors to their future. Now you can turn the figurative into literal with GATE, an incentive-based tool that grants students access to school events based on their grades and attendance instead of an admission fee. Show students their hard work has present-day benefits!

3. Support students with CBG

The more individualized an assessment is, the more powerful it can be for student learning. CBG gives teachers an accurate measure of a student's knowledge on any given standard, allowing them to better identify why a student is struggling with a particular concept and then differentiate their curriculum accordingly.

4. Engage families with Teacher Conference Scheduler

Teacher conferences have long been an important way of engaging a student’s support system in their academic progress. With jmc, this important event can also be simplified and more efficient (no more paper sign-up sheets!). Teacher Conference Scheduler allows schools to post conference schedules online so families can sign up for available time slots themselves and teachers can set the time and length of conferences.

5. Partner school and home with jmc Family

jmc believes the support system in a student’s home is an essential factor for their success. That’s why jmc Family offers immediate insight into how a student is doing in academics and extracurriculars, so families can partner with schools and offer support at home in the areas it may be needed most.

6. Recognize students with Honor Roll

Nothing says academic success quite like being named an honor roll student, and placing an honor roll certificate on the refrigerator is a moment students will remember with pride. With Honor Roll, you can compile the honor roll list with just a few clicks. Use this quick and easy way to meaningfully acknowledge students’ hard work.

Looking for a student success tool that isn’t listed above?

Schedule a no-obligation consultation by contacting our sales team at sales@jmcinc.com. When we meet, we’ll discuss your school’s needs, give you a free demo of our software, and answer any questions you may have.